Complete Expeditions Ltd provide an outstanding expedition experience for the participants. With over 30 years experience of running DofE expeditions at a high standard. Licenced by AALA.
The staff have vast experience of a range of expedition areas, including the Isle of Man!
We can provide transport to and from Silver and Gold expeditions, organise all campsite bookings, complete all the required expedition paperwork, risk assessments and supervisor plans.
Our standards are exemplary, safety is imperative and the staff are professional, well trained and fully qualified. They all hold a current enhanced DBS to allow them to work with young people.
It is amazing what the participants can cook on a Trangia with a bit of inspiration and good training!
We have a team of regular staff who ensure that the participants are supported through their expedition section.
Instilling a sense of confidence in ones ability, building team work and learning numerous essential life skills.
The participants overcome their self doubts, rise to the challenge and complete an amazing adventure
Full communication throughout the stages of training, planning, preparation and completing the expedition section. Including a presentation of expedition purpose.
After training or practice has already been undertaken, we can offer an assessment only in the local Chiltern area with camping.
Dates to suit your requirements. Please contact us for availability.
A training day and 2 day assessment expedition in the Chiltern Hills Area. Dates to suit your requirements. Individual members, pairs and small groups accommodated.
2 day training and practice expedition with camping
2 day assessment expedition with camping
Chiltern Hills Area. Please contact us for required dates.
Assessment only expedition if you have already completed training or a practice expedition.
Practice expedition and 3 day assessed expedition in the local area with camping. Please contact us with your required dates.
A two night and two day practice expedition in the local area with an assessed expedition in the New Forest, South Downs or Forest of Dean.
3 day training and practice expedition, 1 day pre expedition preparation and 3 day assessment expedition. Forest of Dean, South Downs and New Forest Areas
A local 3 day practice and Wild Country 4 day assessment
(£0.00 shipping)
4 day training and practice expedition, 1 day pre expedition preparation and acclimatisation, 4 day assessed expedition. Wild Country Expedition Area.
Practice and assessment dates TBC - please mail us to discuss your requirements.